From what date is the tax relief for war veterans calculated?
From what date is the tax relief for war veterans calculated?
I am a veteran of the Patriotic War. I submitted a document confirming my veteran status to my workplace in December 2023, and the taxable part of my salary was exempted by 400 manats. As far as I heard, if tax was withheld from my salary during the period from 2022, the taxes withheld at the workplace must be refunded. How accurate is this information?
The State Tax Service under the Ministry of Economy stated that, in accordance with Article 102.2.7 of the Tax Code, the monthly taxable income of persons who have received the title of war veteran in accordance with the procedure established by legislation, from any hired work, subject to tax, is reduced by 400 manats.
The documents required to benefit from the above-mentioned benefits are determined in accordance with the “List of documents for determining the right to tax benefits of individuals when calculating tax withheld from wages” approved by Resolution No. 4 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated January 4, 2001. In addition, social insurance, unemployment insurance and compulsory health insurance contributions are deducted from the employee's income by the employer at the source of payment in the usual manner, and no exemption or relief is provided for war veterans in these deductions.
According to the amendment to the Tax Code, from January 1, 2022, if an individual has a status that gives grounds for obtaining the tax benefits listed in this article, but submits the relevant documents confirming the right to the benefit after the employment contract (contract) enters into legal force, the tax benefit is calculated from the date the employment contract (contract) of that individual enters into legal force.
I am a veteran of the Patriotic War. I submitted a document confirming my veteran status to my workplace in December 2023, and the taxable part of my salary was exempted by 400 manats. As far as I heard, if tax was withheld from my salary during the period from 2022, the taxes withheld at the workplace must be refunded. How accurate is this information?
The State Tax Service under the Ministry of Economy stated that, in accordance with Article 102.2.7 of the Tax Code, the monthly taxable income of persons who have received the title of war veteran in accordance with the procedure established by legislation, from any hired work, subject to tax, is reduced by 400 manats.
The documents required to benefit from the above-mentioned benefits are determined in accordance with the “List of documents for determining the right to tax benefits of individuals when calculating tax withheld from wages” approved by Resolution No. 4 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated January 4, 2001. In addition, social insurance, unemployment insurance and compulsory health insurance contributions are deducted from the employee's income by the employer at the source of payment in the usual manner, and no exemption or relief is provided for war veterans in these deductions.
According to the amendment to the Tax Code, from January 1, 2022, if an individual has a status that gives grounds for obtaining the tax benefits listed in this article, but submits the relevant documents confirming the right to the benefit after the employment contract (contract) enters into legal force, the tax benefit is calculated from the date the employment contract (contract) of that individual enters into legal force.