Azercell: The full and proper usage of "Asan İmza" has been enabled
Azercell: The full and proper usage of "Asan İmza" has been enabled

"Azercell Telekom" company has provided a statement regarding this matter.
An issue had occurred with the usage of “Asan İmza.”
"For your information, certain delays were observed in the processing of some operations within the “Asan İmza” service. We immediately contacted the relevant institutions, partners, and service providers responsible for ensuring the service's functionality.
As a result of the necessary measures taken, the service is now fully available for normal use," the company stated.
It should be noted that no information has been provided regarding the cause of the problem that occurred with the use of “Asan İmza” so far.

"Azercell Telekom" company has provided a statement regarding this matter.
An issue had occurred with the usage of “Asan İmza.”
"For your information, certain delays were observed in the processing of some operations within the “Asan İmza” service. We immediately contacted the relevant institutions, partners, and service providers responsible for ensuring the service's functionality.
As a result of the necessary measures taken, the service is now fully available for normal use," the company stated.
It should be noted that no information has been provided regarding the cause of the problem that occurred with the use of “Asan İmza” so far.