Are the labor inspections of the State Labor Inspectorate regarding labor legislation being restored?
Are the labor inspections of the State Labor Inspectorate regarding labor legislation being restored?

According to the law dated October 20, 2015, “On the Suspension of Inspections in the Field of Entrepreneurship,” inspections in certain areas have been prohibited since November 1, 2015. Every year, by amending the relevant law, the suspension period for inspections is extended by the President. Most recently, the suspension period for inspections was extended for one year starting from January 1, 2024, under the law dated December 26, 2023.
Under the law, inspections are permitted in the areas of financial markets, customs audits, inspections of private medical entities by the relevant executive authority, as well as checks regarding the compliance with drug quality and safety regulations, food and feed safety monitoring, fire safety, state control over construction, safety control of hazardous facilities and mining operations, and radiation safety. Inspections are also conducted for interference with electricity, water, heat, and gas meters by authorized representatives of energy, water, sewage, and gas supply companies, as well as for cases of illegal connections to networks without the consent of the supply company. Additionally, inspections are carried out regarding compliance with the laws on the legalization of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism, conducted by the relevant control authorities.
As it appears, the list of areas where inspections are permitted does not include inspections conducted by the State Labor Inspectorate (SLI) for labor law enforcement. It is of interest whether, starting from January 1, 2025, the SLI will be able to conduct planned and unplanned inspections at employers' premises. At present, the suspension period for inspections has not been extended for the next year. However, it is expected that the suspension period will be extended for another year. To make the decision official, an amendment to the law on the suspension of inspections in the field of entrepreneurship needs to be passed.

According to the law dated October 20, 2015, “On the Suspension of Inspections in the Field of Entrepreneurship,” inspections in certain areas have been prohibited since November 1, 2015. Every year, by amending the relevant law, the suspension period for inspections is extended by the President. Most recently, the suspension period for inspections was extended for one year starting from January 1, 2024, under the law dated December 26, 2023.
Under the law, inspections are permitted in the areas of financial markets, customs audits, inspections of private medical entities by the relevant executive authority, as well as checks regarding the compliance with drug quality and safety regulations, food and feed safety monitoring, fire safety, state control over construction, safety control of hazardous facilities and mining operations, and radiation safety. Inspections are also conducted for interference with electricity, water, heat, and gas meters by authorized representatives of energy, water, sewage, and gas supply companies, as well as for cases of illegal connections to networks without the consent of the supply company. Additionally, inspections are carried out regarding compliance with the laws on the legalization of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism, conducted by the relevant control authorities.
As it appears, the list of areas where inspections are permitted does not include inspections conducted by the State Labor Inspectorate (SLI) for labor law enforcement. It is of interest whether, starting from January 1, 2025, the SLI will be able to conduct planned and unplanned inspections at employers' premises. At present, the suspension period for inspections has not been extended for the next year. However, it is expected that the suspension period will be extended for another year. To make the decision official, an amendment to the law on the suspension of inspections in the field of entrepreneurship needs to be passed.