Which authority can impose a fine for transporting goods without an electronic invoice?
Which authority can impose a fine for transporting goods without an electronic invoice?

In paragraph 1.3 of the "Rules on the form, application, registration, and use of the electronic goods transportation invoice," it is stated that the transportation of goods intended for commercial purposes without an electronic goods transportation invoice is not allowed. If a taxpayer conducts transportation without an electronic goods transportation invoice, it will be considered a violation of legislative requirements. If the transportation of goods is foreseen during a transaction, the absence of an electronic goods transportation invoice or the presence of distorted information in it may lead to the transaction being considered as a non-commercial transaction for taxation purposes.
As for administrative responsibility, according to Article 323.2 of the Administrative Offenses Code, a fine of 40 manats is imposed for transporting goods intended for commercial purposes without an electronic goods transportation invoice. The volume of the transported goods has no effect on the amount of the administrative fine, as the fine is set at a fixed amount of 40 manats in Article 323.2 of the Administrative Offenses Code.
According to the "List of Officials Authorized to Review Cases of Administrative Offenses," approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 1256 dated February 23, 2017, the authority for Article 323 of the Administrative Offenses Code has been transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Therefore, road patrol service chief inspectors and inspectors can also impose a fine of 40 manats on vehicles without an electronic goods transportation invoice.

In paragraph 1.3 of the "Rules on the form, application, registration, and use of the electronic goods transportation invoice," it is stated that the transportation of goods intended for commercial purposes without an electronic goods transportation invoice is not allowed. If a taxpayer conducts transportation without an electronic goods transportation invoice, it will be considered a violation of legislative requirements. If the transportation of goods is foreseen during a transaction, the absence of an electronic goods transportation invoice or the presence of distorted information in it may lead to the transaction being considered as a non-commercial transaction for taxation purposes.
As for administrative responsibility, according to Article 323.2 of the Administrative Offenses Code, a fine of 40 manats is imposed for transporting goods intended for commercial purposes without an electronic goods transportation invoice. The volume of the transported goods has no effect on the amount of the administrative fine, as the fine is set at a fixed amount of 40 manats in Article 323.2 of the Administrative Offenses Code.
According to the "List of Officials Authorized to Review Cases of Administrative Offenses," approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 1256 dated February 23, 2017, the authority for Article 323 of the Administrative Offenses Code has been transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Therefore, road patrol service chief inspectors and inspectors can also impose a fine of 40 manats on vehicles without an electronic goods transportation invoice.